

Version 0.0.3 Pre alpha is Online

Block HubSystem is now online with a major update and can be downloaded. Several new features and improvements have been added.

The system is now also updateable.

You can find the demo as usual at

best regards

2025-02-24 01:28:38  


Last work at the Ticket Center

The ticket system has now been adapted and should be sufficient for simple support.
I think I can put version 0.0.3 online later this week.

2025-02-19 20:27:31  


Final tests

I am now in the final tests for version 0.0.3
There are also a few new features overall. The next version can also receive updates without having to delete content.
For this I had to change a little more in the system.

2025-02-16 12:47:56  


Working, Working and Working

I have fixed a few bugs in the last few days and expanded the whole system a little.
Nested blocks are now possible and you can create your own buttons.
As soon as I have a little more time I will write a few more things here.

2025-02-14 15:32:49  

 Go to  Support Tickets

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